Part-time Partner in Finance

CFOflex Parttime CFO

for small and mid-size companies

Every company, regardless of its size, needs good financial support. Not every company needs or can afford a full-time Finance Director or CFO.

CFOflex offers these companies the perfect solution with highly qualified and experienced finance professionals on a part-time basis. A very interesting proposition for fast growing small and midsize companies. A business partner with a strong financial background and a broad business experience at a fraction of the cost of an in-house Finance Director.

takes care

A CFOflex is not a consultant, only giving good advice, but someone who really takes ownership to implement changes. The entrepreneur stays focused on his actual business while somebody takes care of the internal organization.

partner in finance

CFOflex aims to build long-term relationships with its clients to ensure the knowledge of the company, its business and market. Every day the CFOflex will want to prove his added value for the company. His flexible and part-time employability makes it possible for a company to hire him only for the things where he has a real added value. It’s the most efficient way for a company to have access to the best financial expertise. Because of his flexibility the CFOflex can keep pace with a growing company.